
Tomato paste

Tomato paste





Vegetables in cans

Peeled tomatoes and Vegetables in cans

Beyond the very high quality of the products distributed by the I. T. C., a special importance goes to the services that the company offers to its customers. It is the result of accurate studies about the problems conceming the technical, the commercial features and the distribution. These services come true thanks to a professional staff of managers that keeps working hard day by day just to reach the goal of extreme perfection of quality of products and service.

All those factors gathered together with competitive prices allowes the I. T. C. brands to be "premium brands" in every market. As a matter of facts "LA GIGETTA", wich is one of the most famous brand of the company , holds about the 80% of the market of peeled tomatoes in the Saudi Arabian territory making itself the absolute leader and some others such as "ROCÒ" and "TOMÀ" brands , reached in a short period of time a big popularity in the West African markets.